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Documents & Letters

Documents & Letters

Academic Transcript (2005 onwards)

Academic Transcript (2005 onwards)


What do I get?

A document showing a breakdown of your academic performance for each year of study. Includes name, date of birth, programme of study, language, mode and location of study, module codes, module titles, grades, levels, credits, and award details if applicable.

Please read before ordering: 

  • Not for current students. Go to UDo - My Grades for your modules/grades.
  • If you graduated before 14 January 1993 the University of Derby did not have awarding status. Therefore, your documents may not be held at the University. We may be the holder of some documents, but we are not the owner of these awards, please contact graduation@derby.ac.uk for further information regarding your award
  • If your study period was before 2005, additional search fee charges apply, contact graduation@derby.ac.uk BEFORE you order. 
  • Graduates may only order for themselves; requests on behalf of another person will not be accepted

How long does it take to get my transcript?

Production of a transcript can take up to 20 working days and is despatched by Royal Mail first class post to UK addresses or standard air mail delivery to overseas addresses.

Would you rather have your transcript delivered by a courier? 

  • Delivery by Courier Service outside of the UK is available at an additional cost and is strongly recommended for overseas countries outside of Europe.
  • Please contact graduation@derby.ac.uk to obtain a reference number and then you will be sent the link to pay for a courier.
  • Delivery by Courier will not reduce the processing time.
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Courier Delivery of Documents

Courier Delivery of Documents


An add-on option for the delivery of certificates, transcripts and letters of confirmation only. The courier is an approved and insured service provider.

What you need to do


The express courier option within the UK is currently suspended.

Customers outside of the UK should select one of the options below:

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Letter of Confirmation (not available to current students)

Letter of Confirmation (not available to current students)


An official letter confirming you have studied at the University of Derby, showing study dates and programme of study.

In addition, it will show the title and classification (if applicable) of any qualification obtained.

If your award PRE-DATES 2005 additional search fee charges may apply, contact graduation@derby.ac.uk PRIOR to placing an order.


Is this the right document for me?


How long does it take to get my letter of confirmation?

Production of the letter takes up to five working days and is despatched by Royal Mail first class post to UK addresses or standard air mail delivery to overseas addresses.

Would you rather have your certificate delivered by a courier?

  • Delivery by Courier is available at an additional cost; strongly recommended for countries outside of Europe.
  • Please contact graduation@derby.ac.uk to obtain a reference number. You'll be sent the link to pay for a courier.
  • Delivery by Courier will not reduce the processing time.

Terms & Conditions

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Digital copy of your award certificate for awards ratified by the University (post 2006)



For former students of the University of Derby.

Also includes awards from our Partner institutions in the United Kingdom and Overseas.

A digitally certified, official copy of your University of Derby certificate using our current format. This is stored securely on an online portal and is yours to access, download, print or email as you choose. You can share your document with potential employers, governments, education providers and other third parties as a way of quickly and easily verifying your award. For more information please visit https://core.digitary.net/#/user/login
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Digital Certificate for Partner students



For former students of the University of Derby who studied at one of our partner institutions in the UK or overseas.
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University of Derby Crest

Award Certificates (copies)



A copy of your University of Derby certificate using our current format.

Please note that this service is not available if:

• you are a current student, or have not yet had your graduation ceremony.
• you were on a Foundation Year or Foundation Programme: For award titles of Foundation Year or Foundation Programme, you should order an official academic transcript. But a replacement Award Certificate is available for the award of a Foundation Degree. Please email graduation@derby.ac.uk before you place an order to check your foundation award is eligible for a certificate.

Please note that some professional courses may have been studied at the University of Derby but the awarding body may NOT have been University of Derby. Therefore, we would be unable to offer replacement documentation.

If you graduated before 14 January 1993 the University of Derby did not have awarding status. Therefore, your documents may not be held at the University. We may be the holder of some documents, but we are not the owner of these awards, please contact graduation@derby.ac.uk for further information regarding your award.
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Module Descriptors



This product is for University of Derby alumni only.

Module Descriptors detail the content of each module you studied on your course. This includes information such as learning outcomes and the assessment methods.

You may request just one module descriptor, or descriptors for the whole syllabus. The one-off cost is the same.

Please tell us in the Additional Information Question if you want your documents printed, signed and stamped. If you need hardcopies, please ensure you provide your delivery address.
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