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CPD courses

CPD courses

Compassionate Mind Training for Further Education and Higher Education Students

Compassionate Mind Training for Further Education and Higher Education Students



This initiative improves group functioning, along with feelings of wellbeing and group belonging in FE/HE by embedding the ethos of compassion in the taught curriculum. This pedagogical approach supports students to work more effectively as part of a team and enhances a core employability skill: effective communication.
The only prerequisite for training in CC-FE/HE is for individuals to have completed WiW
Date: Wednesday 10th September 2025
Time and duration: 8 am until 4 pm
Location: Enterprise Centre

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Compassionate Mind Training for Pupils - Wellbeing - Our Brains, Our Bodies

Compassionate Mind Training for Pupils - Wellbeing - Our Brains, Our Bodies



The six-lesson series (2-day course) entitled ‘Wellbeing: Our Brains, Our Bodies’ helps pupils of both primary and secondary age (i.e., age range 9-12) gain greater understanding of their own emotions – including how emotions work in the brain and the body. We also introduce a range of fun practices and exercises that are based upon a compassion ethos as well as positive psychology.

Thursday 4th September & Friday 5th September 2025 - 8am to 4pm

Enterprise Centre - Derby
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Compassionate Mind Training for Teachers, Staff and Educators

Compassionate Mind Training for Teachers, Staff and Educators



We deliver an insightful programme to help those working in educational settings, and high burn-out occupations, gain greater understanding of emotions – including emotion regulation in the brain and the body.
We also share a variety of compassion-based practices to cultivate emotional well-being. The course comprises six 90-minute modules designed to be progressed over 8-12 weeks (e.g., one school term or two half terms).

Delegates are provided with all course materials (e.g. module materials, practice sheets and audios).
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Wellbeing in the Workplace (WiW): Emotions, Behaviour and Communication

Wellbeing in the Workplace (WiW): Emotions, Behaviour and Communication



This half day CPD introduces staff to wellbeing psychoeducation and practices, along with compassionate communication skills that are essential for effective team working.
In brief, attendees are provided with the opportunity to understand how stressful situations affect our brain and behaviour. This includes exploring how emotions impact brain and body physiological responses, and why ‘threat’ and ‘drive’ emotions often dominate. Techniques enabling individuals to down-regulate threat and stress by switching from ‘sympathetic’ to ‘parasympathetic’ physiologic activity are also introduced. The CPD further includes how we can be more compassionate when communicating with others and how this can be of benefit in employment situations. Practices and techniques to understand what we can do to support both ourselves and others to communicate more effectively are then introduced and discussed.
Face-to- face
Date: Thursday 17th July 2025
Time and duration: 8am until 12 pm, 4 hours
Location: Enterprise Centre
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